
"I wear an invisible crown that's both beautiful and burdensome."

You may also know me by my pseudonym, Victorya.

Hi there!

I'm a senior in high school, but I'm mentally about 58...and I love to meet new and likeminded people!

I was born, brought up and currently live in India; and in true Indian spirit, my favorite food also happens to be a good plate of chicken biriyani. I'm an extrovert, and being an ardent lover of enthralling stories, I'm a self-proclaimed bibliophile who occasionally writes.

Mind you, I'm stubborn as a mule, so if you ever have the good fortune to get in a debate with me on a topic that I'm interested in, do not expect it to be a short one. On average, I have the attention span of either a sock or a mad scientist trying to invent teleportation; there are no in-betweens.

Like many, I lead a life of a fangirl. My fandoms range from Classic Disney (been in love with this one since I could talk) MCU, the Potterverse (I'm a Slytherin, fyi.), the PJO and HoO series (thus far, I haven't finished the Riordanverse), Sherlock (AH!). You make a reference from any of these, and you're instantly my friend.

Just two ground rules I'd like to establish if you want to connect with me on these platforms:
1. No calls on apps where calls are supported; not without my permission.
2. Snapchat: strictly no face-reveals.

( Made with Carrd )